THE HON. MARCIA NEAVE AO Commissioner The Honourable Marcia Neave AO was a judge of the Court of Appeal until her appointment as the Chair of the Royal Commission into Family Violence in February 2015. Commissioner Neave has been a professor at three Australian universities and has always had an interest in the way the law responds to the needs of women. She taught family law at Monash University. She was the foundation Chair of the Victorian Law Reform Commission which worked on projects including Defences to Homicide, Sexual Offences and Reproductive Technology. In the early 1980s she was Research Director and a part-time Commissioner at the New South Wales Law Reform Commission.
PATRICIA FAULKNER AO Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Patricia Faulkner AO is the current Chair of Jesuit Social Services and Deputy Chair of St Vincent’s Health Australia. Both these organisations seek to serve vulnerable Australians. Patricia is a former Chair of the Prime Minister’s Social Inclusion Board and Secretary of the Victorian Department of Human Services. Much of Patricia’s career has been devoted to looking for better ways to improve outcomes for people who are excluded by poverty, illness and lack of resources. Patricia was a part-time Deputy Commissioner.
TONY NICHOLSON Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Tony Nicholson has dedicated over 30 years to improving conditions of those living on or close to the edges of society. Tony is currently Executive Director of the Brotherhood of St Laurence in Melbourne where he brings a strong record of service development and innovation, research and policy analysis and compelling advocacy on behalf of those disadvantaged in our community. Tony has held many roles including Chair of the Prime Minister's Council on Homelessness. Tony was a part-time Deputy Commissioner.